Disclaimer: Hi-SPA is not endorsing this product specifically but shares support to our members to feature opportunities that may benefit others.

The Hawaii Spa Association Team would like to invite you to a Town Hall we are having on November 17th. Everyone is spending more time and money implementing sanitation plans throughout their facilities. How can you tell if your plan is working? ATP Tests are the benchmark that medical, food service and hospitality industries have used for years. This easy to use technology will let you know if your plan is working and possibly if you can spend less in time and on material.

Daniel Wing and Cheyenne Adams from Hygiena will be joining us to discuss this technology and best practices. Hygiena delivers rapid microbial detection, monitoring, and identification solutions to a wide range of industries, including food and beverage, health care, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, and personal care.
Nov. 12, 2020